.. _contributing: Contributing ============ Spotted a problem with this documentation? * Is something incorrect / out of date? * Is something not clear? * Does additional information need adding? * Could the layout/structure be improved? If so, **please file an issue on GitHub**: * :ref:`Create a GitHub account and ask to be made a member of INSIGNEO GitHub Organisation ` (if you haven't done so already); * Log in to GitHub; * Browse to the Git repository containing the source material for this documentation: `https://github.com/INSIGNEO/insigneo-tech-docs `__ (only visible once you've logged in); * Click *Issues* then *New Issue*; * Give your issue a concise title then beneath describe * What you think could be improved / is deficient (including links to any relevant specific pages in the documentation); * Suggestions for how those things could be addressed. Suggested wording would be much appreciated. * Try to create one *Issue* per issue. * Others can then comment on your Issue and in due course it should be resolved.