openBF documentation
openBF has been developed by A. Melis under the supervision of Dr. A. Marzo as part of the PhD project on cardiovascular modelling at Department of Mechanical Engineering of The University of Sheffield.
openBF has been developed and tested on Ubuntu 14.04/16.04 and MacOSX 10.13 and written with julia 0.3.2-0.6.0.
Additional packages required by openBF are listed here. To install additional packages, start a julia interactive session by typing A basic installation on Linux/OSX reads
in a terminal window, and use the command Pkg.add("package name")
to install. For further informations see julia
Now a simulation is started simply by typing
$ cd ~/Dowloads
$ wget
$ tar -xzvf julia-0.6.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
$ mv julia-0.6.0-linux-x86_64 ~/julia0.6
$ rm julia-0.6.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
$ echo "alias julia='~/julia0.6/bin/julia'" > ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ julia
julia> Pkg.add("ProgressMeter")
julia> exit
$ git clone
$ cd openBF
$ mkdir -p ~/.julia/v0.6/openBF
$ cp -r src ~/.julia/v0.6/openBF/
$ cp main.jl ~/.julia/v0.6/openBF/
$ echo 'run(`rm main.jl`)' >> ~/.julia/v0.6/openBF/main.jl
$ mkdir -p ~/.julia/v0.6/BTypes/src
$ cp src/BTypes.jl ~/.julia/v0.6/BTypes/src/
$ echo "alias openBF='cp ~/.julia/v0.6/openBF/main.jl ./main.jl && julia main.jl $1'" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
openBF project_name
Otherwise, start an interactive julia session in openBF folder, and type include("main.jl")
to run a simulation.
This tutorial goes through all the pre-processing, solution, and post-processing steps required by a openBF simulation. The case under study is that of a iliac bifurcation with a coupled peripheral vasculature model. All the tutorial files can be found in the openBF-hub repository.

A parent vessel (red) connected to two daughter vessels (blue and green). A three element windkessel model is coupled to both outlets. The inlet boundary condition is provided as a flow waveform (Qin).
A openBF project requires three files to be present in the working directory:tutorial.csv
This file contains geometrical and material properties for each vessel. Columns should be organised as follows
name, sn, tn, in, L, M, Rp, Rd, E, Pext, R1, R2, C,
P, 1, 2, 1, 8.6e-2, 86, 0.7581e-2, 0.7581e-2, 500.e3, 0., 0., 0., 0.,
d1, 2, 3, 0, 8.5e-2, 85, 0.5492e-2, 0.5492e-2, 700.e3, 0., 6.8123e7, 3.1013e9, 3.6664e-10,
d2, 2, 4, 0, 8.5e-2, 85, 0.5492e-2, 0.5492e-2, 700.e3, 0., 6.8123e7, 3.1013e9, 3.6664e-10,
System topology is built by specifying source and terminal nodes of each segment (vessel). In this example, the parent vessel
starts from node 1 and ends at node 2. Node 2 is the bifurcation nodes from which two daughter vessels start. The first daughter vessel ends at
node 3 and the second daughter vessel ends at node 3.
Multiple inlets
The in
column is used to indicate whether a vessel is a inlet vessel or not. Set in = 1
for the principal inlet vessel (i.e. the only one in case of a single inlet).
This file contains all the constant parameters that can be fixed for the entire length of the simulation.
#= inlet bc selector
3: from data
const inlet_BC_switch = 3
const number_of_inlets = 1
# numerical domain
const Ccfl = 0.9 # Courant number
const cycles = 100
# blood properties
const rho = 1060. # density [kg/m3]
const mu = 4.e-3 # dynamic viscosity [Pa⋅s]
# vessel properties
const initial_pressure = 0.
This is a text file containing the inlet flow waveform to be used as boundary condition. The first column contains time steps and the second column contains the flow rate in cubic meters per second.
0.000000000000000000e+00 -5.239489231023915536e-07
1.111111111111111154e-02 -1.810043543947649782e-06
2.222222222222222307e-02 -4.106752263203652509e-06
. .
. .
1.100000000000000089e+00 -5.239489231024034121e-07

Multiple inlets
You need a _x_inlet.dat
file for each new inlet, where x
is the number of the inlet other than the principal one, e.g. 2 for the second, 3 for the third and so on.
Once all the files are in the working directory, a simulation is started by
julia path-to-openBF-folder/main.jl tutorial
command, where tutorial
is the name of our project. If an alias was created (see installation instructions), the simulation is called simply by openBF tutorial
. openBF will take care of everything. Results will be
saved in tutorial_results
files contained in results folder are readable text files which can be plotted by any plotting software. Here we show the results by using PyPlot julia port.