pFIRE Configuration

Required Parameters

These parameters must be provided, or pFIRE will abort with an error.


Path to fixed image.

May be absolute path, or relative to working directory.


Path to moved image.


Desired final nodal spacing of displacement map.

Optional Parameters

Default values exist for these parameters, but they may be overridden by the user.


default: “registered.xmdf:/registered”

Path (and group name) to save registered image.

Output writer is chosed based on the file extension. Current writers include hdf5, xdmf, and OpenImageIO (png and jpg - 2D only).

Syntax is “path:group-path”, where group-path sets the path and dataset name within the HDF5 and dataset name within XDMF. group-path will be ignored by image writers which do not support it.

Path may be an absolute path or relative to the working directory. Group name may be any valid HDF5 group path.


default: “map.xdmf:/map”

Path (and group name) to save displacement map.

Option syntax and behaviour is the same as for registered (see above).

N.B image format writers do not support writing map data.


default: false

Boolean flag to enable verbose logging output.


default: false

Output all intermediate image and map frames in the registration.

Debug image frames will be saved to %registered%-debug-%s-%i% where %s% is the step number, %i% the iteration number, and %registered% the registered image output path. Map frames will be output following the same pattern using the map output path.


default: auto

Allows manual control of smoothing parameter. Can be set to a floating point number to control smoothing, defaults to “auto” which causes pFIRE to choose a smoothing parameter which maximises stability of the algorithm.


default: 100

Maximum number of iterations to perform at each node spacing before continuing to next nodespacing. Default is a reasonable tradeoff between allowing convergence and wasting time due to algorithmic jitter.