Running pFIRE

Interaction with pFIRE on the command line is achieved through the pfire executable. Registration options are passed to pFIRE through a configuration file. All the available options are documented in the command reference.

Elastic Registration

pFIRE is invoked from the console:

$ pfire --help
                   .................................................   ......................
                   :####################::########::################:  :####################:
                   :####################::########::######:"""":#####: :####################:
                    :######:""""""":####: :######:  :#####:     :#####: :######:""""""":####:
.....   .........    :#####:       """"""  :####:    :####:     :#####:  :#####:       """"""
:####...#########:   :#####:               :####:    :####:     :#####:  :#####:
:#################:  :######:.........     :####:    :####:....:#####:   :######:.........
::######:""":######: :###############:     :####:    :#############:     :###############:
 :#####:     :#####: :###############:     :####:    :####:"""":#####:   :###############:
 :#####:     :#####: :######""""""""""     :####:    :####:     :#####:  :######:"""""""""
 :#####:     :#####: :#####:               :####:    :####:     :#####:  :#####:
 :#####:    :######: :#####:               :####:    :####:     :#####:  :#####:       ......
 :#####:...:#######::#######:             :######:  :#####:     :#####: :######:......:#####:
 :################::########:            :########::######:     :#####::####################:
 :##############:  :########:            :########::######:     :#####::####################:
 :######:"""""""   """"""""""            """"""""""""""""""     """""""""""""""""""""""""""""
:#######:   Development build (commit:f95afbcde26177fd511343ff459f38f924f8f30a-dirty)

Running on 1 processes
pFIRE (Parallel Framework for Image Registration)

Usage: pfire <config_file> [-h,--help]

  config_file		configuration file to read options from
  -h [ --help ]         print this message

It takes a single argument - the name of a configuration file. This is a deliberate design decision to encourage documentation of the performed analysis. At minimum this configuration file must detail the path to the fixed image, path to the moved image, and required final spacing of the map nodes. It also takes various optional arguments allowing customisation of the registration process and outputs. pFIRE will automatically identify and open all supported file formats. The currently non-exhaustive list includes: dicom, ShIRT .image and .mask files, and the majority of common 2-dimensional image formats via the OpenImageIO library.

A minimal usage example would be:

fixed = fixed_image.dcm
moved = "moved image.dcm"
nodespacing = 10

This will register fixed_image.dcm to moved image.dcm with a nodespacing of 10 pixels, note that if the filename contains spaces it must be enclosed in quotes. In this case the output map and registered image will be saved to the default hdf5+xdmf format with filenames registered.xdmf and map.xdmf.

ShIRT Compatibility

pFIRE is designed to be compatible with ShIRT both algorithmically and practically. Therefore we provide a way to use pFIRE as a drop in replacement for ShIRT Register in existing workflows. If the executable is invoked with the name shirt or pfire-shirt (either by renaming or using a symlink) then pFIRE will interpret command line input using the ShIRT syntax. In this mode the output formats are fixed as ShIRT format for use with existing analysis workflows.

# symlink example
$ ln -s ./pfire ./pfire-shirt
$ pfire-shirt register fixed fixed.image moved moved.image nodespacing 10

# copy example
$ cp -s ./pfire ./shirt
$ shirt register fixed fixed.image moved moved.image mask mask.mask nodespacing 10