
All the pre-processing and initialisation functions are herein contained.

function projectPreamble

project_name ::String project name.
This function checks whether all the project files are present in the working directory. Then, the directory structure to save the output files is created. Eventually, openBF logo and version information are printed to screen.

function projectPreamble(project_name)

project_constants.jl, project_inlet.dat, and project.csv file names strings are created with project_name variable.

  p_const = join([project_name, "_constants.jl"])
  p_inlet = join([project_name, "_inlet.dat"])
  p_model = join([project_name, ".csv"])
  v_model = join([project_name, "_veins.csv"])

The existence of these three files is checked in the working directory. If a file is missing an error is raised.

  if (isfile(p_const)) == false
    error("$p_const file missing")

  if (isfile(p_inlet)) == false
    println("$p_inlet file missing")

  if (isfile(p_model)) == false
    error("$p_model file missing")

r_folder is the string used to create the directory containing the results.

  r_folder = join([project_name, "_results"])

If the results directory does not exist, it is created.

  if (isdir(r_folder)) == false

Project files are moved to the results directory.

  cp(p_const, join([r_folder, "/", p_const]))
  cp(p_inlet, join([r_folder, "/", p_inlet]))
  cp(p_model, join([r_folder, "/", p_model]))
  if (isfile(v_model)) == true
    cp(v_model, join([r_folder, "/", v_model]))

All files in the working directory are deleted except those containing the project_name string by the cleanLibrary function.


The working directory is changed to the results directory.


Bash scripts to handle I/O are written and saved in the working directory by writeScripts function.



Two bash scripts are written in two .sh files.

  • is used to concatenate two files which names should be given as script arguments. It can be used as

    sh file1 file2
  • is used at the end of the simulation to remove all the temporary files from the working directory.

These .sh are saved in the working directory and used through the julia command run.

function writeScripts

Two bash scripts are written in two .sh files.
  • is used to concatenate two files which names should be given as script arguments. It can be used as

    sh file1 file2
  • is used at the end of the simulation to remove all the temporary files from the working directory.

These .sh are saved in the working directory and used through the julia command run.

function writeScripts()

  appsh = open("", "w")
  write(appsh, "#!/bin/bash", "\n")
  write(appsh, "cat \$1 >> \$2")

  clesh = open("", "w")
  write(clesh, "#!/bin/bash", "\n")
  write(clesh, "rm *.temp")


function cleanLibrary

project_name ::String project name.
This function writes and executes a bash scripts which delete all the files with the name not containing the string project_name.

function cleanLibrary(project_name)

  clibsh = open("", "w")
  write(clibsh, "#!/bin/bash", "\n")
  write(clibsh, "find . -type f -not -name '*$project_name*' | xargs rm -rf", "\n")
  write(clibsh, "rm -rf doc/")


function readModelData \(\rightarrow\) model_matrix::Array{Any, 2}

model_data .csv file containing model data (see tutorial.jl).
model_data.csv is parsed by readdlm by using , as a separator. The first header row is discarded ([2:end]) as well as the last column ([1:end-1]) because it contains only blank spaces. The remaining is stored in matrix m and returned.
m ::Array{Any, 2} model matrix.

function readModelData(model_data)

  m = readdlm(model_data, ',')
  m = m[2:end, 1:end-1]

  return m

function initialiseVessel \(\rightarrow\) vessel::Vessel

m ::Array{Any, 2} model matrix row.
ID ::Int topological ID of the vessel in the arterial tree.
h ::Heart data structure containing inlet boundary conditions.
b ::Blood data structure containing blood mechanical properties.
Pext ::Float external pressure.
initial_pressure ::Float initial pressure to be set along the entire vessel.
Ccfl ::Float Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number to compute local \(\Delta t\).

function initialiseVessel(m :: Array{Any, 1}, ID :: Int64, h :: Heart,
                              b :: Blood,
                              initial_pressure :: Float64,
                              Ccfl :: Float64)

Model matrix row m is parsed to retrieve vessel geometrical and mechanical properties; conversion to ::Int type is operated where needed.
  vessel_name =     m[1]
  sn          = convert(Int, m[2])
  tn          = convert(Int, m[3])
  rn          = convert(Int, m[4])
  L           =     m[5]
  M           = convert(Int, m[6])
  Rp          =     m[7]
  Rd = m[8]

h0 = m[7]

  E           =     m[9]
  Pext        = m[10]

Poisson’s ratio sigma is set by default to 0.5 because vessel wall is assumed to be incompressible.

  sigma  = 0.5

\(\Delta x\) for local numerical discretisation: lenght/number of nodes.

  dx = L/M
  invDx = M/L
  halfDx = 0.5*dx

Unstressed cross-sectional area A0 is computed from R0.

  A0 = zeros(Float64, M)
  R0 = zeros(Float64, M)
  h0 = zeros(Float64, M)

  dA0dx = zeros(Float64, M)
  dTaudx = zeros(Float64, M)
  radius_slope = (Rd-Rp)/(M-1)
  ah = 0.2802
  bh = -5.053e2
  ch = 0.1324
  dh = -0.1114e2
  for i = 1:M
    R0[i] = radius_slope*(i-1)*dx + Rp
    h0[i] = R0[i] * (ah * exp(bh*R0[i]) + ch * exp(dh*R0[i])) #1e-3
    A0[i] = pi*R0[i]*R0[i]
    dA0dx[i] = 2*pi*R0[i]*radius_slope
    dTaudx[i] = sqrt(pi)*E*radius_slope*1.3*(h0[i]/R0[i]+R0[i]*(ah*bh*exp(bh*R0[i]) + ch*dh*exp(dh*R0[i])))

Elastic constants for trans-mural pressure (beta) and wave speed (gamma) calculation: \[ \beta = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{A_0}} \frac{h_0 E}{1 - \sigma^2}, \quad \gamma = \frac{\beta}{3 \rho R_0 \sqrt{\pi}} . \]

  beta  = sqrt.(pi./A0) .* h0*E / (1 - sigma*sigma)
  gamma = beta ./ (3*b.rho*R0*sqrt(pi))

  gamma_ghost = zeros(Float64, M+2)
  gamma_ghost[2:M+1] = gamma
  gamma_ghost[1] = gamma[1]
  gamma_ghost[end] = gamma[end]

Initialise conservative (A and Q) and primitive (u, c, and P) variables arrays with initial values. A is taken as the unstressed cross-sectional area A0 and Q is everywhere the initial_flow specified in project_constants.jl. The longitudinal velocity u comes from the definition of Q \[ Q = u A . \] c and P are computed with beta and gamma by pressure and waveSpeed functions.

  A = zeros(Float64, M)  + A0
  Q = zeros(Float64, M)  + h.initial_flow
  u = zeros(Float64, M)  + Q./A
  c = zeros(Float64, M)
  c = waveSpeed(A, gamma, c)
  P = zeros(Float64, M)
  P = pressure( A, A0, beta, Pext, P)

Ghost cells are initialised as the internal nodes.

  U00A = A0[1]
  U01A = A0[2]
  UM1A = A0[M]
  UM2A = A0[M-1]

  U00Q = h.initial_flow
  U01Q = h.initial_flow
  UM1Q = h.initial_flow
  UM2Q = h.initial_flow

Forward and backward Riemann invariants at the vessel outlet node.

  W1M0 = u[end] - 4*c[end]
  W2M0 = u[end] + 4*c[end]

Temporary files names are built by joining the vessel label and a string referring to the quantity stored, and a .temp extension. Same procedure is followed for results files with .out extension. Data input and output are handled by IOutils.jl functions.

  temp_A_name = join((vessel_name,"_A.temp"))
  temp_Q_name = join((vessel_name,"_Q.temp"))
  temp_u_name = join((vessel_name,"_u.temp"))
  temp_c_name = join((vessel_name,"_c.temp"))
  temp_P_name = join((vessel_name,"_P.temp"))

  last_A_name = join((vessel_name,"_A.last"))
  last_Q_name = join((vessel_name,"_Q.last"))
  last_u_name = join((vessel_name,"_u.last"))
  last_c_name = join((vessel_name,"_c.last"))
  last_P_name = join((vessel_name,"_P.last"))

  out_A_name = join((vessel_name,"_A.out"))
  out_Q_name = join((vessel_name,"_Q.out"))
  out_u_name = join((vessel_name,"_u.out"))
  out_c_name = join((vessel_name,"_c.out"))
  out_P_name = join((vessel_name,"_P.out"))

Temporary data and output files are created with open command. Data from temporary files to output files are transferred by means of a bash script. Thus, the IOStream to .out files must be closed. Writing in .temp is handled within julia, hence .temp are left open, ready to be written.

  temp_A = open(temp_A_name, "w")
  temp_Q = open(temp_Q_name, "w")
  temp_u = open(temp_u_name, "w")
  temp_c = open(temp_c_name, "w")
  temp_P = open(temp_P_name, "w")

  last_A = open(last_A_name, "w")
  last_Q = open(last_Q_name, "w")
  last_u = open(last_u_name, "w")
  last_c = open(last_c_name, "w")
  last_P = open(last_P_name, "w")

  out_A = open(out_A_name, "w")
  out_Q = open(out_Q_name, "w")
  out_u = open(out_u_name, "w")
  out_c = open(out_c_name, "w")
  out_P = open(out_P_name, "w")

  node2 = convert(Int, floor(M*0.25))
  node3 = convert(Int, floor(M*0.5))
  node4 = convert(Int, floor(M*0.75))



The outlet boundary condition is specified by the last columns in the project.csv file.

9 columns means that only the reflection coefficient Rt has been specified. Since the three elements windkessel parameters must be specified anyway, they are set to zero.

  if length(m) == 11

    Rt = m[11]

    R1 = 0.
    R2 = 0.
    Cc = 0.

10 columns means that the three element windkessel is specified with Reymond (2009) notation. Peripheral resistance (R2) is supplied along with the outlet impedance (R1). To decouple these two parameters, R1 is computed as the vessel characteristic impedance \[ R_1 = Z_c = \rho \frac{c}{A_0}. \]

  elseif length(m) == 12

    R1 = b.rho*waveSpeed(A0[end], gamma[end])/A0[end]
    R2 = m[11] - R1
    Cc = m[12]

    Rt = 0.

11 columns means that the three parameters are specified.

  elseif length(m) >= 13

    R1 = m[11]
    R2 = m[12]
    Cc = m[13]

    Rt = 0.


Pcn is the pressure through the peripheral compliance of the three elements windkessel. It is set to zero to simulate the pressure at the artery-vein interface.

  Pcn = 0.

  slope = zeros(Float64, M)

MUSCL arrays

  flux  = zeros(Float64, 2, M+2)
  uStar = zeros(Float64, 2, M+2)

  vA = zeros(Float64, M+2)
  vQ = zeros(Float64, M+2)

  dU = zeros(Float64, 2, M+2)

  slopesA = zeros(Float64, M+2)
  slopesQ = zeros(Float64, M+2)

  Al = zeros(Float64, M+2)
  Ar = zeros(Float64, M+2)

  Ql = zeros(Float64, M+2)
  Qr = zeros(Float64, M+2)

  Fl = zeros(Float64, 2, M+2)
  Fr = zeros(Float64, 2, M+2)

vessel_data ::Vessel data structure containing vessel mechanical and geometrical properties.
  vessel_data = BTypes.Vessel(vessel_name,
                    ID, sn, tn, rn,
                    dx, invDx, halfDx,
                    beta, gamma, gamma_ghost,
                    A0, dA0dx, dTaudx, Pext,
                    A, Q,
                    u, c, P,
                    W1M0, W2M0,
                    U00A, U00Q, U01A, U01Q,
                    UM1A, UM1Q, UM2A, UM2Q,
                    temp_P_name, temp_Q_name, temp_A_name,
                    temp_c_name, temp_u_name,
                    last_P_name, last_Q_name, last_A_name,
                    last_c_name, last_u_name,
                    out_P_name, out_Q_name, out_A_name,
                    out_c_name, out_u_name,
                    temp_P, temp_Q, temp_A, temp_c, temp_u,
                    last_P, last_Q, last_A, last_c, last_u,
                    node2, node3, node4,
                    R1, R2, Cc,
                    flux, uStar, vA, vQ,
                    dU, slopesA, slopesQ,
                    Al, Ar, Ql, Qr, Fl, Fr)

  return vessel_data

function loadInputData \(\rightarrow\) ::Array{Float, 2}

project_name project name string.
project_inlet.dat is parsed by readdlm function and its content is saved in a in_data matrix. Its first column contains time and the second column contains flow waveform data.
in_data condition. ::Array{Float, 2} [time, flow] matrix for inlet boundary

function loadInputData(project_name)
  in_data = readdlm(join([project_name, "_inlet.dat"]))
  return in_data

function loadGlobalConstants \(\rightarrow\) ::Heart, ::Blood, ::Float

project_name project name string.
inlet_BC_switch ::Int inlet boundary condtion selector:
1 \(\rightarrow\) heaviside sine function
2 \(\rightarrow\) gaussian
3 \(\rightarrow\) from project_inlet.dat
cycles ::Int number of cardiac cycles to be simulated.
rho ::Float blood density
mu ::Float blood dynamic viscosity
This function load into heart and blood datastructures the parameters constant within all vessels.

function loadGlobalConstants(project_name,
                             inlet_BC_switch :: Int64,
                             inlet_type :: String,
                             cycles :: Int64,
                             rho :: Float64, mu:: Float64, gamma_profile :: Int64)

heart data structure is filled depending on the inlet boundary condition chosen by the user. When the inlet flow function is given (inlet_BC_swithc=3), the flow waveform is imported by loadInputData function. The cardiac_period is taken as the last row in the time column of the input file. sys_T, initial_flow, and flow_amplitude quantities will not be used and they are set to zero.

  if inlet_BC_switch == 3
    input_data = loadInputData(project_name)
    cardiac_period = input_data[end, 1]
    sys_T = 0.
    initial_flow = 0.
    flow_amplitude = 0.

In any other case, all the parameters are take from project_constants.jl file. input_data array is initialised to zero and it will not be used.

    include(join([project_name, "_constants.jl"]))
    input_data = zeros(Float64, 1,1)

The total simulation time total_time is calculated as number of cycles times the cardiac period in seconds.

  const total_time = cycles*cardiac_period

  #Initialise heart data structure
  heart_data = BTypes.Heart(inlet_BC_switch,
                            cardiac_period, sys_T,
                            initial_flow, flow_amplitude,

Kinematic viscosity nu and viscous resitance term Cf are calculated as \[ \nu = \frac{\mu}{\rho}, \quad C_f = 8\pi\nu. \] where Cf is computed by assuming a parabolic velocity profile along the radial direction.

  const nu = mu/rho
  const Cf = 8*pi*nu

  #Initialise blood data structure
  blood_data = BTypes.Blood(mu, rho, Cf, gamma_profile)

heart_data ::Heart
blood_data ::Blood
total_time ::Float
  return heart_data, blood_data, total_time