
The main.jl file is where openBF is implemented. Only openBF library is needed to be imported.

using openBF

The project name must be specified by the user when launching the simulation. openBF takes care of all the pre-processing and solution steps. A simulation is started with the following command

julia main.jl project_name

project_name is a string used to initialise all the output files.

project_name = ARGS[1]

In main.jl all functions from openBF library are called using the dot notation: library.function(parameters). Function projectPreamble checks for all the files needed by the simulation and warns whether any is missing, and makes the directory structure to save temporary and final results.


project_constants.jl file is user defined and must be in the same folder where the simulation is started (see tutorial page). Here project_constants.jl content is loaded in memory for further use.

println("Load project $project_name files")
include(join([project_name, "_constants.jl"]))

Arterial system

Arterial model and structure is encoded in a .csv file user defined. It must be in the same folder in which the simulation is started. readModelData reads the .csv file and fill a 2D matrix with all the informations.

model = openBF.readModelData(join([project_name, ".csv"]))

Data from project.csv, project_constants.jl, and project_inlet.dat (if specified) are used to create instances of BTypes data structures by loadGlobalConstants.

heart, blood_prop, total_time = openBF.loadGlobalConstants(project_name,
  inlet_BC_switch, inlet_type, cycles, rho, mu, gamma_profile)

Two data structures are used to describe the arterial system. One is a collection of BTypes.Vessel instances, and vessels collection is filled by using initialiseVessel. The first vessel is inserted by hand.

vessels = [openBF.initialiseVessel(model[1,:], 1, heart, blood_prop,
  initial_pressure, Ccfl)]
edge_list = zeros(Int8, length(model[:,1]), 3)
edge_list[1,1] = vessels[1].ID
edge_list[1,2] = vessels[1].sn
edge_list[1,3] = vessels[1].tn

The model matrix is read iteratively starting from the second row, the first row contains column headers.

for i in 2:length(model[:,1])

Each new vessel is instantiated and push!ed at the bottom of vessels collection.

  push!(vessels, openBF.initialiseVessel(model[i,:], i, heart, blood_prop,
    initial_pressure, Ccfl))
  edge_list[i,1] = vessels[i].ID
  edge_list[i,2] = vessels[i].sn
  edge_list[i,3] = vessels[i].tn


Before starting the main loop the countercurrent_time is set to zero. It will be updated to keep track of time within the simulation.

println("Start simulation \n")
current_time = 0

In order to show the progress bar an initial estimate of the total running time is needed. Thus, \(\Delta t\) is calculated with system initial conditions and used to compute the number or total iterations before the end of the simulation. See ProgressMeter documentation for Progress options.

dts  = zeros(Float64, length(edge_list[:,1]))
dt = openBF.calculateDeltaT(vessels, dts)

prog = ProgressMeter.Progress(Int(ceil(total_time/dt)), 1, "Running ", 50)

The simulation is ran in a while loop to be ended whether the simulation reached convergence or a user defined finish time.

passed_cycles = 0

counter = 0
counter_v = 0
while true

At the beginning of each time step the \(\Delta t\) is computed with calculateDeltaT. This is because during the simulation the local properties of each vessel will change and, as a consequence, also the \(\Delta t\) will change. The current_time is then calculated by incrementing it with the new dt.

  dt = openBF.calculateDeltaT(vessels, dts)

  current_time += dt

solveModel reads the grafo object and runs the solver for each part of it. This function can distinguish between inlet, bifurcation, conjunction, anastomosis, and outlet.

  #Solve arteries
  openBF.solveModel(vessels, heart, edge_list, blood_prop, dt, current_time)

updateGhostCells updates all vessels ghost cells after the solver ends one iteration.


All quantities in each vessel are stored by saveTempData in .temp files until the end of the cardiac cycle.

  if counter == 100
    openBF.saveTempData(current_time, vessels)
    counter = 0
    counter += 1

  #Progress bar update!(prog)

Every time a cardiac cycle has been simulated, this condition returns true and data from .temp files are transferred to .out files ( see IOutils.jl).

  if (current_time - heart.cardiac_T*passed_cycles) >= heart.cardiac_T &&
      (current_time - heart.cardiac_T*passed_cycles + dt) > heart.cardiac_T


    passed_cycles += 1

When at least 3 cardiac cycles have been simulated, waveforms are checked for convergence.

    if passed_cycles >= 3

The error is computed for all vessels in the system by checkAllQuantities function. err = openBF.checkAllQuantities(vessels, passed_cycles, 1000)

      err = openBF.checkConvergence(vessels, 5.)

The convergence is reached when the difference (the error) between two consecutive waveforms is less than 5%. In this case, the main loop is exited.

      if err < 5.
        println("\nConverged in $passed_cycles cycles, end!")


When the current_time is equal to the total_time defined by the user exit from while loop. This would also mean that an error smaller than 5% has not been achieved. The main is exited by raising an error containing the error value.

  if current_time >= total_time
    erlog = open("error.log", "w")
    write(erlog, "Not converged after $passed_cycles cycles, End!")
@printf "\n"

Make sure that data from .temp files are transferred.
